Thursday, 30 September 2010

30/09/2010 - Day 95

Our garden is full of these right now...

29/09/2010 - Day 94

I had great fun taking this in the Studio!  As part of my Computers in Art project, I have to produce a piece of pop art.  I am going to use this dalek, and a picture of The Alfster, put them together, put some Photoshop magic over it, then hopefully print it out on a t shirt for Alf!  Fingers crossed!

28/09/2010 - Day 93

A dull picture on a dull day!  I'm not even sure what made me take this.  It was one of only 3 digital pictures I took today.  I'm a film girl nowadays!

27/09/2010 - Day 92

This is the first of my prints from my film photo shoot Friday.  I managed to rip the film in two, so was only able to develop 3/4 of the film.  Luckily there were a few decent pictures amonugst the ones that were left!  They say you learn through the mistakes you make, so hopefully I'll learn to be more careful next time!

Sunday, 26 September 2010

26/09/2010 - Day 91

Kazzas Rice Pudding.  Cures all ill's.  Good for the soul.

25/09/2010 - Day 90

Of course, The Alfster had to get in on the act. D.I.V.A.!

Friday, 24 September 2010

24/09/2010 - Day 89

I dragged Jack and Sabrina to the park so I could do a photoshoot of them.  This is Jack :)

Thursday, 23 September 2010

23/09/2010 - Day 88

Alfie received a 'missed play' letter home today.  I think his letter of apology explains all.  For those who can not read 7 year old handwriting, here is a translation........"Dear Miss Byrne.  I am sorry that I threw tissue on the ceiling of the boys toilets.  From Alfie."

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

22/09/2010 - Day 87

Walls plastered, floor received one coat of varnish, occupants all high from the fumes........

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

21/09/2010 - Day 86

The one and only photo I took with my digital camera today, and the deer went and put his head down.  All I'm left with is a picture of a deers backside.  Exactly the reason I have no desire to be a wildlife photographer!  I hope the photos I took on film are somewhat more successful!

Monday, 20 September 2010

20/09/2010 - Day 85

After dinner face pulling competition!  You judge who is the winner!

Sunday, 19 September 2010

19/09/2010 - Day 84

Mr B has spent the day stripping.  Tomorrow we get plastered.........

18/09/2010 - Day 83

I looked at the forecast on Friday night, and it promised a grey cloudy day on Saturday.  Saturday morning I was woken by sun streaming through the curtains - time for my camera to have a little outing!  I didn't go far.  Just a little stroll around Trent Bridge and along the Embankment.

17/09/2010 - Day 82

I took Daisy to Loughborough Uni today.  It was their open day, and Daisy wanted to see if it was somewhere she would like to apply to.  We didn't feel the love, not after Sheffield and Birmingham so it was a pretty quick trip round, listen to the talk, and back to Nottingham again.  While we were waiting at Loughborough station I took this snap.....

16/09/2010 - Day 81

I thought I would be a good Mum.  I collected the Alfster from school (the first time since he went back after the summer), and suggested that we go to the park to collect conkers.  There are several big conker trees in West Bridgford park, so I thought that would get me lots of extra Mummy points.  Looks like the conker trees in the park are the only ones this year to not be producing. Doh!  That cost me two bags of crazy bones!

15/09/2010 - Day 80

It was all planned.  I had my bags all packed, all I had to do was get up when the alarm went off at 6.45, and go for a swim.  Rich was going to do the homely duties and get the Alfster to school.  I was going to have a relaxing breakfast after my swim before heading into college.  Unfortunately someone forgot to let the alarm in on our plans.  It was 7.45 when we looked at the clock.  So no swim, or relaxing breakfast.  Just a mad rush to get us all out of the house on time!

14/09/2010 - Day 79

Let me introduce you to my office...........not the idea way to be working, hence we are about to start on 'project turn front room in to Rich and Kaz only chill room/office'.  A weekend of stripping wall paper is ahead, before we get re plastered (yes, the walls, not us, at least not this time!), redecorated, and a lovely new desk arrives.

13/09/2010 - Day 78

I thought it was about time I gave these bad boys a bit of love.  They've felt very neglected lately, at the back of the cupboard, so after seeing the light of day for the mini marathon yesterday, we had another date at the gym tonight.  Hopefully it will be the start of a loving relationship............!!!

Sunday, 12 September 2010

12/09/2010 - Day 77

Today was the 30th Robin Hood Marathon.  Alfie and I ran the 'mini marathon' (2.6 miles) so that Alfie could raise money for Barnardos. As promised, he ran wearing his hat and bow tie!  At the time of writing he has raised £120, with more money expected in.  We will find out tomorrow what Alfies official time is, but it was somewhere around 30 minutes.  He did fantastically well and enjoyed every moment of it.  Well done Alfster!!!

Saturday, 11 September 2010

11/09/2010 - Day 76

We have started the round of University visiting this week for Daisy.  Rich and Daisy went to Sheffield on Tuesday, and today we took her to Birmingham.  We still have Newcastle, Loughborough, Leeds to go, and her Dad is taking her to Leicester, Bristol and Colchester.  Birmingham has really grand old buildings and I was kicking myself for not taking my camera (well, I did have my compact with me as ever, but it wouldn't do justice to the beautiful architecture).  On the other hand, I would have probably ended up in trouble with Daisy as I would have wanted to keep stopping to 'snap' all of the time!  I did manage to bully her into posing by the lake near the accommodation though.............!!!

10/09/2010 - Day 75

It was 'non uniform' day at school today for the Alfster, to raise money for the people of Pakistan.  Ever the sharp dressed dude, Alf attended school not only in a trilby, but in his bow tie also!

09/09/2010 - Day 74

It was award ceremony night at Rushcliffe School for last years 11,12 and 13 (thats 5th year, lower and upper 6th in old money!!)  Jack refused to pose as school, for his Mum, on the stage, in front of all of his peers.......can't imagine why!  So here he is doing his silliest pose in our kitchen instead! 

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

08/09/2010 - Day 73

Today was my second day at college.  We were to meet at Nottingham Castle and take photos so that we can produce 4 images of our day, plus a portrait photo of one of the year two students that were on hand to help us out.  It seemed very strange using a film camera rather than a digital one.  I kept going to look at my image on the camera, only to remember I can't have instant access to it on film.  We used a black and white film also, so I couldn't help wondering how that would have an affect on the pictures I was taking.  Knowing that I would probably hyperventilate without my digital camera, I did take along my little compact camera.  When I got off the bus at the Broadmarsh Centre, I was surprised to notice that I could see the castle from there.  Nine years I've lived in Nottingham, and only today did I notice it!  So here it is in the foggy background, with the delightful shopping centre to the right, and a multistory car park in front!

07/09/2010 - Day 72

Here is Alf, all kitted out for his new day as a Junior.  Its was a day of new starts in our household.  I started my photography course, Jack started 6th form, Carter started his final year at primary school, and Rich took Daisy to Sheffield to look around Sheffield University in preparation for her new start next summer!  When did the family get all grown up?!

Monday, 6 September 2010

06/09/2010 - Day 71

Well thats it for another year.  The school summer holiday has ended and its back to routine, albeit a new routine, from tomorrow.  Alfie and I being home alone, decided to go out for one final fling before the start of school and the juniors and after school club for him, and college for me tomorrow.  I'm sure he will cope with his new routine with ease.  I suspect I will require a glass of wine, a hot bath, and an early night!!

Sunday, 5 September 2010

05/09/2010 - Day 70

Let me introduce you to my new partner in crime.  I have borrowed this baby for my photography course that I start on Tuesday (thanks John!).  It uses film - yes, you can still buy film!  I've been trying to find my way around this camera and I think I'll be spending plenty of time thumbing through the manual.  No doubt you will get to see many of the results of our new relationship during the coming months!  Wish us luck!

04/09/2010 - Day 69

This is Sabrina, Jacks girlfriend.  She isn't too sure if she was born in '91 or '92 and she somehow became my daughter!!!  Anyway, we had a lovely night and thats all that matters!

Friday, 3 September 2010

03/09/2010 - Day 68

Who invited these bad boys to feast on my roses while I was away?

02/09/2010 - Day 67

Sorry Sis, but it needed doing!!!  This is my lovely little Sister, enjoying her trip with the kids to Maccy D's, just a little too much......!!!

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

01/09/2010 - Day 66

We took Dexter for a walk and Alfie found and collected these 'acorns'!!!  We now need to get some nutcrackers so that he can find out what a hazelnut, freshly gathered from the ground, tastes like!